Phantom Debate Academy

As young debaters at Evergreen Valley high school, our team lacked the essential resources needed to succeed in debate. However, with the help of outside resources and dedication given by every member of our team, we managed to succeed at the national level ranking us as the top debaters in the nation.

After the struggle, our organization decided to give back to other programs and the community with the skills we attained down the road. As such Phantom Debate in collaboration with ClosingTheDivide is fundraising money through hosting affordable, yet high-quality workshops for the youth interested in debate.

Fifty percent of all of the proceeds that are raised will be donated to the Life Moves donation drive and goodwill, the remaining fifty percent will be donated to the ClosingTheDivide organization to provide low-income families access to technology and the internet.


Evergreen CoderDojo


E-Waste Program