Past Projects
CTD X Mission To the World
“In this village, there are 4 village centers which have afternoon school programs to teach English with a total of 250 students. Students who learn English at the center are unprivileged, and they don’t have a chance to use computers during their school time. Thanks to your generous donation of laptops, we plan to open a computer class at the community center to provide computer education to village students. God bless you.”
— Esther Cho, Mission to the World Missionary to Cambodia
CTD X Coder Dojo
“Closing The Divide Python classes have motivated me to learn more about programming. I now understand the importance of knowledge about computers in today’s world. Their python boot camp classes were very effective in teaching me the basics of a high-level language. Their work to help the underprivileged has and will continue to change lives.”
- Adit Agarwal student at CTD CoderDojo Classes
CTD X Tech Exchange
"When the CTD team reached out to Tech Exchange, we knew a partnership with them would be win-win. We were delighted to donate 10 refurbished laptops for them to distribute to students in need and grateful to receive their donations of computers they had gathered. It's a pleasure to collaborate with this bright new organization as we work together to close the digital divide, for their participants, and for families throughout the Bay Area."
— Amy Himes, Tech Exchange Director of Development
CTD X James Lick High School
“It is a great honor that our high school was selected to be gifted 10 HP Laptops by three Evergreen High School students involved with the Tech Exchange program for distribution to students in need. This generous donation will assist 10 students and families experiencing financial and technological hardships, We are thankful for your generosity and commitment in bridging the technological gap in Silicon Valley.”