Our Partners


Phantom Debate Academy

Phantom Debate Academy is a non-profit organization targeted at helping the aspiring youth build essential communication and critical thinking skills through its debate program. Through our partnership, ClosingTheDivide has been able to raise money and host our very own debate tournament.


CoderDojo Foundation

Coder Dojo is a non-profit organization based in Ireland committed to educating the youth on basic programming and computer science. ClosingTheDivide has partnered with Coder Dojo to open up our very own dojo in San Jose so we can help our local community


Mission To The World

Mission To The World is the mission-sending agency for the Presbyterian Church in America and supports impoverished regions around the world. ClosingTheDivide has specifically partnered with the missionary of Cambodia, Esther Cho, to donate computers and funds to increase access to education in Cambodia.


Tech Exchange

Tech Exchange is a 501(c)3 non-profit committed to increasing access to technology in the area of Oakland. Tech Exchange in collaboration with CTD to refurbish computers, through our E-Waste Program and provide us with laptops to donate to our community



GoodWill is a 501(C)3 non-profit organization that aims to support local communities across the United States by supporting local social programs. Our organization will donate computers to GoodWill, which will in collaboration distribute them to low-income families to end the digital divide.


Microsoft's non-profit portal and office 365 sponsorship for nonprofits featuring a discounted distribution of the Office line of products has played a prominent role in streamlining many of ClosingTheDivide’s tasks to better reach our goal.